My Coding Journey

Back in 2021, I decided to learn to code. I started by searching online for free tutorials. I found, a website with beginner coding lessons, and decided to dive in. HTML and CSS felt exciting – I loved learning how to build and style web pages. But then… I hit JavaScript.

And suddenly, it felt like hitting a wall. coding started feeling so hard that i thought,“There must be easier ways to make money!” I loved the idea of becoming a developer, but coding felt like so much work. So, I took a break and focused on other interests for a while.

By August 2024, I was working in digital marketing and using AI tools every day. AI was making my work faster and easier, and one day I had a thought: “What if AI could help me with coding, too?”

That was an Eureka moment for me – like a light turning on in my head! I realized AI could take away some of the hard parts of coding. I wouldn’t have to type every line by myself; AI could help get the basics down, and I’d just need to review and improve it. Suddenly, coding felt possible again – even exciting!

Feeling motivated, I decided to give coding another shot. After a little research, I found Frontend Mentor. It’s a website with real-world coding challenges for beginners and experienced coders. I signed up and tackled thirteen projects! These challenges helped me practice my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while building actual projects. Here are the thirteen I completed:

  1. Blogr landing page
  2. Advice generator app
  3. Bar chart component
  4. Interactive comment section
  5. NFT preview card component
  6. Pricing component
  7. Launch countdown timer
  8. Rest countries API
  9. Snap intro section
  10. Social links profile
  11. Sunnyside agency landing page
  12. To-do app
  13. Dog walker app

Each project helped me learn something new. Finishing all thirteen felt like a huge win – I was really coding, not just following lessons.

After completing those projects, I felt ready to create something of my own. So, I built this personal website to show off my work.

Right now, I’m still working with JavaScript and even using Google Sheets as a simple database for some projects. For now, it works great, but I’m excited to learn more about coding, try new tools, and maybe explore other programming languages.

I’ll keep updating this page as I keep learning and creating. If you’re also starting to code, or even just thinking about it, I hope my story shows you what the journey can be like – and maybe even gives you the spark to begin your own.

Here’s to more projects, learning, and fun!